Monday, February 28, 2011

It's okay to laugh at my expense...

The following comes as promised at the end of "Lies! And how they make for a good story". To my readers, I reward you with a great and truthful story that has remained in the darkness of my memories. Thank God I can't remember the following story actually happening. I can only recount it as it was told to me. And although I cannot remember it, which means I took no part in the decision making, it's still pretty embarrassing. Therefore, like I mentioned in my previous posting, I will try and keep my dignity by calling myself "Pupita" (it'll all make sense, I promise!)

In a remote town in the high hills of Jalisco, a little girl's hair refused to grow. Pupita was about 2 or 3 years of age, or somewhere in between,  but still had the same baby hair she came out of the womb with. Pupita was the youngest of four siblings, all born one year apart.
A lady named Rosa took a liking to Pupita and since the house was always wild, Pupita's mother would let Rosa take Pupita home with her for a few hours.
One day, Rosa tells Pupita's mother of a remedy that would make Pupita's hair grow. Pupita's mother wanted no part of it. Not because she didn't believe in home remedies, but because this one was a stretch. A few weeks later, Rosa asks Pupita's mother if she could take Pupita for a few hours and she agreed. When she returned, Pupita was completely bald and smelled of fresh turned soil and "fertilizer". Pupita's mother immediately knew what had been done to her daughter.

According to this "home remedy", if you shaved a child's head and smeared fresh cow poop, their hair would grow. I'm not sure if they thought hair grew like crops and that you could treat them the same, BUT IT DOESN'T!!! For a LONG time, I, I mean Pupita, had to wear a beanie that had two fake braids sewn onto it!

Another lie, but yes, it does make for a good story.

There. It's out.